Created in 1983 by Anne-Marie L'HERMITTE, ALPHA-B Agency came from an original idea : to constitute a database about businessmen' and decision makers' hobbies.

This tool gave us the opportunity to quickly take position in a field of activities not existing at that time, halfway between Travelling and Public Relations, for high quality operations focused on sporting or cultural events.

The name of the agency is a reference to its database : Alpha-B made its way from the beginning thanks to its control of information and the creation of alphabetical files, but also through its capabilities to meet the requirements of ALPHA (the inviting) towards B (the invited).

Since then, several steps have been carried out :

1st step :
- Annual agenda of sporting and cultural events
- Offering products to companies that are immediately and comprehensively ready-to-use

2nd step :
- Conception of events for companies : launch of products, merges, entering the Stock Exchange, buildings inauguration, receptions…
- Constitution of a suppliers' database, collecting information on every location and on the best professionals in the field of corporate events.

3rd step :
- Setting up symposiums, congresses and conferences : seeking for the perfect place, dealing with logistics and catering …

4th step :
- Constitution of a database on the creation dates of companies, thus opening the opportunity to celebrate their anniversary or one of their products' in different ways : publishing, retrospective evening, promotional campaign…

5th step :
- Founding of the travel department : ALPHA-B TRAVEL in December 1997

Today, ALPHA-B EVENTS and ALPHA-B TRAVEL are two components of ALPHA-B GROUP, and complementary entities that come together to respond to all the needs in event communication.